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Fear of children in the household

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Toys and games
In order to reduce your dog’s fear of children in the house, do the following:

· Remove all toys and place them somewhere that your dog has no access.

· Play for about 10 minutes each day, preferably when you and the dog are together and when the child is in bed.

Attach an eight foot line to your dogs collar and let him trail it around for the duration of the play session. Remove at the end of play time.
Throw the toy and let your dog go and pick it up. Use the line to encourage him to return to you with the toy.
Give him lots of attention when he brings the toy to you.
· You can play tugging games but try to dissuade him from growling by calling a time out for a minute or so when he growls.
· Put the toy away at the end of the game.

· After about five days or so, get your child to produce the toy for your dog to play with but do not allow the child to join in the game.

In order to reduce your dog’s fear of children in the house, feed him twice a day in the following manner:

· Prepare his food at the same time as your own meal or at the time of your child’s meals.

· Leave your dog’s food on a work surface and finish your meal before giving your dog his meal.

· After five days your child can be the one to offer your dog his food by taking the bowl down and placing it on the floor before leaving the room while your dog eats.

· Any food treats that are given are best placed in your dogs food bowl rather than giving these by hand for the time being.

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