Cloud Ranch Facility!
B&B has just been able to acquire the kennel directly across the street from us. We are keeping its original name "Red Cloud Ranch" and here are some current pictures. Red Cloud Ranch will allow us to provide improved rescue, adoption and training services for the benefit of dogs in our care and to provide a resource for public education.
As you can see, we need some work done. The space is tremendous - two large play areas that are bigger than some dog parks, individual doggie runs with a huge private play area attached thereto, much needed storage space, wonderful isolation area, and much more.
We are thrilled that this dream has come true! We hope to create a new facility that will help us show dogs in the best environment and improve care, training and placement of our second chance dogs.Now, to work.
Donations of all amounts are welcome as we strive to meet and complete every new renovation project. Every dollar matters - so please don't feel that you don't make a difference! If you are, know of, or can find any of the following, please proceed directly to Red Cloud Ranch, or email us at or call 626-444-9664: retired, volunteer, or doggie-friendly and reasonable electricians, plumbers, carpenters, contractors, gardeners, general handypersons and/or apprentices/helpers for any of the above.
Most immediate needs are to:
1) Replace a demolished bathroom & add another one
2) Put up secure chain link fencing & lots of it
3) Cut out bad concrete and lay more.
4) Put in sprinkling system & ponds.
5) Flooring as well as install washer/gas dryer, utility sinks, cabinets, and
Please earmark any cash donations to "Project Red Cloud". All donations are tax-deductible! We will be announcing a wonderful Open House Party as soon as we can - hopefully before year-end!
In the meantime, please drop in any Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday from l0 a.m. to 4 p.m. - our regular open house hours and tour, play with the dogs and visit.
Other tremendous additions in the works are formal volunteer orientation training sessions, Warner Bros Employee Volunteer Day (about 20 WB folks will be here & you can still come even if you work somewhere else!), beagles only training classes with Penny Fordham, and much more.
With all this space, we're gonna want every dog to be able to run and play every day, so VOLUNTEERS get ready! Eleven honor students from Monrovia High School have committed to come at least one day per month and help out. At the conclusion of their first day, some were so excited they vowed to be back the very next week - with friends!
This is just the kind of infectious enthusiasm that we want/need for the betterment of the dogs. They give so very much to us and ask so little in return; we want to make their lives as full as possible. Keep checking the website for details on these and many more wonderful events.
If you are interested in donating or funding this project, please contact Connie Kramer at (626) 444-9664.