Vol. 1, #2
Dear everyone, It's another glorious day in the neighborhood. I got wet
puppy food today to help put on some lbs. Boogie says I'm lucky to have such
a problem. She says it's 'cuz I'm a boy. She says girls are always trying
to take off the lbs. Whatever the case may be I smell like a bed of roses
compared to that Boogie. She will undoubtedly be going to the beauty parlor
with me every week. The day starts pretty early around here. Dick Clark's
wife walks all the dogs on the beach at dawn. Boogie and I can't walk that
far. We stay behind and do a little yoga. We call it "American Dogstand"!
Anyway, I had my first photo shoot today and thought you might like to see.
Photo shoots are big around here. Oops, I better go, I think I see Kim
Delaney. Hi to all the little doggies. More Later. JW
Life in Malibu's a beach! I met a real nice lady named Lorna (Private
Benjamin), she has 2 cool dogs, Squiggly and Ray. Squigley's a rescue too,
Ray I'm not sure of...he pretty much stays to himself. Lorna really likes me
and was immediately hip to my hearing problem. She had an old Sheltie that
was deaf. So she's got the hand motions down! Now I met an older gentleman
named Dudley, He's an old Golden. He's almost as fat as Howdy. He got a
fish hook stuck in his mouth yesterday, right in his tongue. Our vet Dr.
Dean fished it out (no pun intended). Today Hufflepuff is coming over.
She's the old bassett rescue I met my first day here. Boogie, Huffle and I
are hittin' the beach around 3 today. People just can't get over it. 3 old
bassetts hangin' out together! There's also 3 big poodles that hang out
together. They look like the Supremes. Anyway, as you can probably tell,
I'm having the time of my life. 'Talk to you all soon. Hang Ten!